Rigid Pavement Response Calculations

The following examples illustrate how rigid pavement responses to different stresses are calculated. Load Stress Example Calculations Example 1 Calculate […]

Tie Bar Placement

Tie bars are typically placed after PCC placement either by hand or using a tie bar inserter attachment (slipform paving […]

PCC Mix Design Fundamentals

PCC consists of three basic ingredients: aggregate, water and portland cement.  According to the Portland Cement Association (PCA, 1988[1]): “The […]

Rigid Pavement ESAL Equation

At first glance, this equation looks quite complex – it is.   Where: W = axle applications inverse of equivalency […]

Cement Production

Example Operation – Lafarge Seattle An example operation of cement production is taken from Lafarge Seattle. Below Figures 1 and […]

Structural Number

The Structural Number (SN) represents the overall structural requirement needed to sustain the design’s traffic loadings. It is an abstract […]

PCC Joint Construction

Location Typical joint locations are covered in the article on Joints, and are not repeated here. However, it is important […]

Other Joints

Expansion, isolation and construction joints are created by formwork before the PCC is placed. Since these joints are designed to […]


Joints are purposefully placed discontinuities in a rigid pavement surface course. All types of joints are used in rigid pavement […]

Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement

Jointed reinforced concrete pavement (JRCP, see Figure 1) uses contraction joints and reinforcing steel to control cracking. Transverse joint spacing […]