Cold Plant Mix Recycling

AAPTP Project 05-01

Cold plant mix recycling, the less common of the two cold recycling methods, involves mixing RAP with an asphalt emulsion or foamed asphalt at a central or mobile plant facility. A rejuvenating agent can be added to improve the recycled asphalt binder viscosity and new aggregate can also be added to improve overall performance. The resulting cold mix is then typically used as a stabilized base course.


Stabilized base course


RAP, asphalt emulsion or foamed asphalt, asphalt rejuvenating agent and possibly virgin aggregate.

Mix Design

No generally accepted mix design method, but the Asphalt Institute recommends and most agencies use a variation of the Marshall mix design method (FHWA, 2001b[1]).

Other Information

Since cold in-place recycling has become more commonplace, cold plant mixing has become less popular.

Footnotes    (↵ returns to text)
  1. Federal Highway Administration.  (2001b).  Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement User Guideline: Asphalt Concrete (Cold Recycling).  Web page on the Turner-Fairbanks Highway Research Center web site.  Accessed 16 October 2001.