Flexible Pavement ESAL Equation

At first glance, this equation looks quite complex – it is.
Flexible Pavement ESAL Equation

Where: W equals axle applications inverse of equivalency factors (where W18 = number of 18,000 lb (80 kN) single axle loads)
Lx equals axle load being evaluated (kips)
L18 equals 18 (standard axle load in kips)
L2 equals code for axle configuration
1 = single axle
2 = tandem axle
3 = triple axle (added in the 1986 AASHTO Guide)
x = axle load equivalency factor being evaluated
s = code for standard axle = 1 (single axle)
G equals a function of the ratio of loss in serviceability at time, t, to the potential loss taken at a point where pt = 1.5 a function of the ratio of loss in serviceability at time, t, to the potential loss taken at a point where pt = 1.5
Pt equals "terminal" serviceability index (point at which the pavement is considered to be at the end of its useful life)
b equals function which determines the relationship between serviceability and axle load applications
SN equals structural number

Example Calculation for a Single Axle

  • Assumptions:    Single axle, 30,000 lb (133 kN), SN = 3, pt = 2.5
  • Answer: (Table D.4, p. D-6, 1993 AASHTO Guide) = 7.9
  • Calculations

Example Calculation for a Single Axle

where : W18 equals predicted number of 18,000 lb (80 kN) single axle load applications
W30 equals predicted number of 30,000 lb (133 kN) single axle load applications
Lx equals L30 = 30
L2x equals 1 (single axle)
G equals serviceability loss factor
b30 equals curve slope factor
and G/b30 equals -0.2009/4.388 = -0.04578
b18 equals
G/b18 equals -0.2009/1.2204 = -0.1646
Finally LEF equals (same as contained in 1993 AASHTO Guide ?nbsp;Appendix D)<br />
(same as contained in 1993 AASHTO Guide, Appendix D)

Example Calculation for a Tandem Axle

  • Assumptions:    Tandem axle, 40,000 lb (133 kN), SN = 5, pt = 2.5
  • Answer: (Table D.5, p. D-7, 1993 AASHTO Guide) = 2.08
  • Calculations

Example Calculation for a Tandem Axle

where : L40 equals 40 (tandem axle)
L18 equals 18 (single axle)
L2x equals 2 (tandem axle)
L2s equals 1 (single axle)
G equals serviceability loss factor
b40 equals curve slope factor
equals Example Calculation for a Tandem Axle
and G/b40 equals -0.2009/0.53824 = -0.37325
b18 equals
G/b18 equals -0.2009/0.50006 = -0.40175
Thus Example Calculation for a Tandem Axle
Finally LEF equals (same as contained in 1993 AASHTO Guide nbsp;Appendix D)